1. Introduction

The IT Disaster Recovery Plan outlines the procedures and protocols to be followed in the event of a significant disruption to Neatlines Ltd's IT systems or infrastructure. The primary goal of this plan is to minimise downtime, recover critical systems and data, and restore normal operations as quickly and efficiently as possible.

2. Plan Objectives

  • Ensure the safety and well-being of employees and stakeholders.
  • Minimise the impact of disruptions on business operations and customer service.
  • Recover critical IT systems and data in a timely manner.
  • Maintain communication with stakeholders throughout the recovery process.

3. Plan Activation

The IT Disaster Recovery Plan will be activated under the following circumstances:

  • A significant disruption to IT systems or infrastructure occurs.
  • The disruption is expected to result in prolonged downtime or significant impact on business operations.
  • The Incident Response Team determines that the situation warrants the activation of the IT Disaster Recovery Plan.

4. Incident Response Team

The Incident Response Team is responsible for managing the response and recovery efforts during a disaster. The team includes:

  • Chief Information Officer (CTO) or designated IT manager
  • IT administrators and technicians
  • Key departmental representatives

5. Recovery Procedures


The Incident Response Team is notified of the disruption.

The team assesses the severity of the situation and determines the appropriate course of action.


Neatlines Ltd contacts the cloud service provider to initiate data recovery procedures.

The cloud service provider retrieves and restores the most recent backups of critical systems and data stored in the cloud.

Data integrity checks are performed to ensure the accuracy and completeness of restored data.


Neatlines Ltd works with the cloud service provider to assess the integrity of the infrastructure and address any issues or damages.

The cloud service provider repairs or replaces any damaged components as necessary.

Systems are reconfigured and tested to ensure proper functionality.


Regular updates are provided to employees, customers, and other stakeholders regarding the status of the recovery efforts.

Alternative communication channels are established in case of disruptions to regular communication systems.

6. Post-Recovery Actions

Lessons learned from the incident are documented and reviewed to improve future response and recovery efforts.

Additional measures are implemented to mitigate the risk of similar incidents occurring in the future.

Business operations resume normalcy, and ongoing monitoring and maintenance activities are conducted to ensure the stability of IT systems.

7. Plan Maintenance

The IT Disaster Recovery Plan shall be reviewed and updated periodically to reflect changes in technology, infrastructure, and business processes. Regular testing and exercises shall be conducted to validate the effectiveness of the plan and ensure readiness for potential disasters.

8. Plan Distribution and Access

The IT Disaster Recovery Plan shall be distributed to all relevant personnel and stakeholders and made readily accessible in both physical and digital formats. Training and awareness programs shall be conducted to ensure that all employees are familiar with the plan and their roles and responsibilities in the event of a disaster.

9. Plan Approval

This IT Disaster Recovery Plan has been approved by Tom Makin (CTO) and is effective as of 01 February 2024.

10. Document Control

This plan shall be maintained in a centralised document repository and regularly updated to reflect changes and improvements. All revisions and updates shall be documented and tracked.