The Dashboard is the place where you can take charge of AdviceAid. Available only to Team Admins*, you can find it by navigating the Ξ menu icon on the top-left of the screen.  







There are four menu options for you to explore: Editor, Overview, Users and Setup.


Here you can see a breakdown of all the advice in AdviceAid. Under Local Content, by clicking on 'Recommend' you can filter the advice which we recommend you customise with information specific to your area. For a full guide on how to do this, see this help article. 


Information on your team and activity.


View, edit and add users. If you have Compose, you will need to create a user account for each adviser who will be using the app. If you only use SelfServ, then you only need to create Team Author* accounts for colleagues who you wish to be able to localise the advice. For more information on how to add and edit users, see this help article. 

*A note on user roles

There are three user roles:

  • Adviser (Compose only) - can create advice sheets in Compose
  • Team Author (Compose and SelfServ) - as Adviser + localise advice
  • Team Admin (Compose and SelfServ) - as a Team Author + ability to add, remove and edit users

This is part of the initial setup of AdviceAid for your local authority. Here you enter the basic information that may populate advice, e.g. the Housing Team contact number. This information can be amended at any time.